Argyll & Bute Volunteer of the Year


Attendees over 4 years


Nominations over 4 years


Years Running


Awards in 2024

We had an absolutely wonderful time celebrating the Volunteer of the Year Awards 2024 at the Galley of Lorne Inn in Ardfern.

The event was filled with heartwarming speeches, inspiring stories of dedication and service, and memorable performances. It was a true celebration of our community heroes who make such a positive impact across Argyll and Bute.

Watch our highlight reel to relive the magic of this unforgettable event! Special thanks to Beth Chalmers Photography for capturing these beautiful moments.

We are already looking forward to next year as we begin planning the Volunteer of the Year Awards 2025. Stay tuned for more details and how you can be part of this inspiring celebration.

Do you know someone who deserves recognition?

Alas, you've missed the deadline for nominations this year! We will be reopening for next year in early 2025

The Categories

Volunteer of the Year

This category is for those people over the age 25's who you believe are deserving of recognition for the work they do volunteering in the community

Young Volunteer of the Year

Our younger volunteers are vital, as they represent the future of volunteering in Argyll & Bute. Do you know someone under 25 who deserves recognition?

Regional Heros

There are 5 awards up for grab here, one each for Oban & Lorn, Helensburgh and Lomond, Mid Argyll & Campletown, Cowal & Bute and The Islands.

Volunteering Team of the Year

Volunteering isn't always down to an individual and this award is in recognition of outstanding team effort in volunteering.

Volunteer Organisation of the Year

Volunteering often takes a lot of time and effort to arrange and coordinate and there are some amazing organisations that do just that. This award is made to recognise those organisations.

Health & Wellbeing Volunteer

This award will be made to a volunteer in recognition of their contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities.

Sports Coach of the Year

This award is sponsored by Live Argyll and will be made to a volunteer in recognition of their contribution to sport in the school or community setting. It is open to all volunteers over 25 who have demonstrated their enthusiasm and commitment over the past year.

Young Sports Coach Volunteer of the Yea

This award is sponsored by Live Argyll and will be made to a young volunteer in recognition of their contribution to sport in the school, or community setting. It is open to all volunteers between the ages of 12 and 25 who have demonstrated their enthusiasm and commitment over the past year.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is in recognition of an individual's exemplary long-term commmitment to volunteering.

Community Learning Volunteer of the Year

This award is sponsored by Live Argyll and will be made to a volunteer in recognition of their contribution to supporting all aspects of community learning – Adult Learning (Including Adult Literacy, Numeracy and English Speakers of Other Languages) and Youth Work. It is open to all volunteers who have demonstrated their enthusiasm and commitment over the past year.